News 2024-2025
We are welcoming Patrick House this 2024-25 academic year as writer-in-residence at the CEC.
We will be announcing talks soon for the year.
News 2023-2024
This year we are very pleased to have Julia Rathmann-Bloch join the CEC as our new Research Associate. Welcome Julia!
We are featuring talks this Winter Term 2024 by Jenny Hung and Michaela Hulstyn.
News 2022-2023
The CEC is co-sponsoring MOC 2022, Mathematical Approaches to Consciousness, September 5-9, at the Arrillaga Alumni Center. Please see the Events page for details on registering, and for the conference booklet.
News 2021-2022
Paul Skokowski has just published Information and Mind, with CSLI Press. The volume explores a range of topics raised by Fred Dretske in his philosophical career.
This Fall Quarter 2021, Paul Skokowski will be teaching a seminar on Foundational Issues in Cognitive Science, (SYMSYS 207) at Stanford.
News 2019-2020
We are pleased to host a new series of talks and workshops on consciousness this year, and we are grateful to the Claire and John Radway Foundation, and to the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute of Stanford University for their generous support of these events at the CEC.
This Winter Quarter 2020, John Perry will be teaching a seminar on Situation Semantics.
Also this Winter Quarter 2020, John Perry will be teaching a class on Personal Identity.
This Fall Quarter 2019, Paul Skokowski will be teaching a Seminar on Conceptual Issues in Cognitive Science, (SYMSYS 207) at Stanford.
News 2018-2019
We are pleased to host a new series of talks and workshops on consciousness this year, and we are grateful to the Claire and John Radway Foundation, and to the Stanford Neurosciences Institute for their generous support of these events at the CEC.
We are having a conferences on the Nature of Time in Fall 2018. Please see our Events page for more details.
This Spring Quarter 2019, Paul Skokowski will be teaching a Seminar on Foundational Issues in Cognitive Science, (SYMSYS 207) at Stanford.
This Winter Quarter 2019, Paul Skokowski will be teaching Minds and Machines, (SYMSYS 1, PHIL 99, LINGUIST 1, PSYCH 35) at Stanford.
This Winter Quarter 2019, John Perry will be teaching a graduate seminar on Philosophy of Language.
This Fall Quarter 2018, Paul Skokowski will be teaching philosophy of cognitive science and philosophy of mind at Oxford University.
News 2017-2018
We are pleased to host a new series of talks and workshops on consciousness this year, and we are grateful to the Claire and John Radway Foundation, and to the Stanford Neurosciences Institute for their generous support of these events at the CEC.
We are very pleased to announce that Paul Skokowski has recently been elected a Fellow in Philosophy at St Edmund Hall, Oxford University.
This Fall Quarter 2017, Paul Skokowski will be teaching Minds and Machines, (SYMSYS 1, PHIL 99, LINGUIST 1, PSYCH 35) at Stanford.
This Winter Quarter 2018, John Perry will be teaching a graduate seminar on Philosophy of Language.
This Winter Quarter 2018, Paul Skokowski will be teaching philosophy of science and philosophy of mind at Oxford University.
We are planning conferences on the Nature of Time and Consciousness in Fall 2018, and Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness, Spring 2018. Please see our Events page for more details.
News 2016-2017
In the Winter Quarter 2017, Paul Skokowski is teaching for the Stanford Bing Overseas Program at Oxford University. His course is entitled “Oxford Philosophy: Its Origins and Legacies.”
Also in the Winter Quarter 2017, John Perry is teaching a seminar on Philosophy of Language here at Stanford.
Also, this Winter Quarter, we are delighted to have Leslie Burton join us as a Visiting Scholar. Leslie is a Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Connecticut.
This 2016-2017 academic year we are reducing our schedule of talks since Paul is at Oxford University, where he is a Visiting Fellow at St Edmund Hall and the Philosophy Faculty. We will return with a new series of Radway conferences on consciousness in the 2017-2018 academic year.
News 2015-2016
The CEC is very pleased to announce that our Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness project has again been chosen as the Claire and John Radway Research Workshop for the 2015-2016 academic year by the Stanford Humanities Center. We are looking forward to another year of workshops on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness. Topics this year include Consciousness & Literature, and The Hard Problem of Consciousness.
The CEC is very happy to announce our new Graduate Coordinator, Natalie Deam, for 2015-2016. Natalie is a Ph.D. candidate in French & Italian in DLCL, Stanford. Welcome, Natalie!
In the Fall Quarter 2015, Paul Skokowski will be teaching Philosophy 167D/267D, SymSys 206 - Seminar in Philosophy of Neuroscience.
John Perry will be teaching a seminar in Philosophy of Language at the University of California Berkeley in Spring 2016.
News 2014-2015
This Spring Quarter we are holding a special Radway Workshop event, entitled “Information and Mind: A Conference in Honor of Fred Dretske”, which will celebrate Fred Dretske’s life and work, on May 8th. We are very grateful to the Stanford Philosophy Department, The Dean’s Office, The Office of the Provost, John and Claire Radway, The Stanford Neurosciences Institute, The Center for the Study of Language and Information, and to the Stanford Humanities Center for generous support of this event.
The CEC will also be holding a special graduate workshop entitled “Self and Un-Self” on May 26th, featuring our very own Graduate Coordinator Michaela Hulstyn and visiting scholar Gerhard Kreuch as speakers.
The CEC is very pleased to announce that our Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness project has again been chosen as the Claire and John Radway Research Workshop for the 2014-2015 academic year by the Stanford Humanities Center.
The CEC is very happy to announce the renewal of our Theodore and Frances Geballe Research Workshop grant from the Stanford Humanities Center for the 2014-2015 academic year. We are looking forward to another year of workshops on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness. Topics this year include Consciousness & Literature, and The Hard Problem of Consciousness.
We are very grateful for generous support from the Stanford Neurosciences Institute for visiting speakers in philosophy and neuroscience in Winter and Spring 2015.
Our wonderful graduate coordinator Michaela Hulstyn has organized a mini-series this Fall on Proust and Consciousness, with workshops by Joshua Landy and Suzanne Guerlac. Please see CEC website and the attached poster for details.
In the Winter Quarter 2015, Paul Skokowski will be teaching Philosophy 167D/267D, SymSys 206 - Seminar in Philosophy of Neuroscience. We are very grateful for generous support from the Stanford Neurosciences Institute for visiting speakers in philosophy and neuroscience for the course.
John Perry will be teaching a seminar in Philosophy of Language at the University of California Berkeley in Spring 2015.
News 2013-2014
The CEC's Emeritus Graduate Coordinator Donovan Wishon - now an Asst Prof at Ole Miss - organized a conference Conscious Thought and Thought about Consciousness on April 27-30th, 2014. John Perry and Paul Skokowski gave talks at the conference and were featured in this online article afterwards.
The CEC is very pleased to announce that our Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness project has again been chosen as the Claire and John Radway Research Workshop for the 2013-2014 academic year by the Stanford Humanities Center.
The Human Experience magazine at Stanford has published an article about the CEC: Stanford philosophers say tools from science can help answer questions about the human condition.
The CEC is very happy to announce the renewal of our Theodore and Frances Geballe Research Workshop grant from the Stanford Humanities Center for 2013-2014. We are looking forward to another year of workshops on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness. Topics this year include Consciousness & Literature, Neuroethics, and The Hard Problem of Consciousness.
In the Fall Quarter 2013, Paul Skokowski will be teaching Philosophy 167D/267D, SymSys 206 - Seminar in Philosophy of Neuroscience. Here is a picture of the class taken on the Thursday Stanford beat the Oregon Ducks! Go Stanford!
News 2012-2013
See John Perry's interview on CBS.
Read Paul Skokowski's comments on zombies and consciousness on the Popular Science website.
The CEC is very pleased to announce that our Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness project has been chosen as the Claire and John Radway Research Workshop for the 2012-2013 academic year by the Stanford Humanities Center.
Robert Prentner will be joining the CEC as a Visiting Scholar in Winter Quarter, 2013. Robert is a Ph.D. candidate at ETH Zurich.
Congratulations to John Perry, who has been awarded the Humanities and Sciences Dean's Award for Lifetime Achievements in Teaching at Stanford University!
But wait, there's more: John Perry has been chosen by the American Philosophical Association to give the 2013-2014 Patrick Romanell Lecture. Congratulations, John!
The CEC is very happy to announce the renewal of our Theodore and Frances Geballe Research Workshop grant from the Stanford Humanities Center for 2012-2013. We will continue our series of workshops on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness. Topics this year tentatively include Zombies, Consciousness & Literature, and The Hard Problem of Consciousness.
We are very pleased to announce that Michaela Hulstyn will be the Graduate Student Coordinator for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness this year. Michaela is a Ph.D. candidate in French.
In the Winter Quarter 2013, Paul Skokowski will be teaching Philosophy 167D/267D, SymSys 206 - Seminar in Philosophy of Neuroscience.
We have posted some photos from last year's 2011-2012 talk series.
News 2011-2012
CSLI and the Stanford Humanities Center are hosting a Symposium on Questions at Noon on Friday, May 11th, at the Stanford Humanities Center, 424 Santa Teresa Street, Stanford University.
Congratulations to Donovan Wishon, who has been hired by the Philosophy Department at Ole Miss, and will begin teaching there in Fall 2012. Donovan was the previous Graduate Student Coordinator for the CEC from 2009-2012, and the CEC/Geballe Workshops Graduate Coordinator in 2011-2012.
Paul Skokowski and John Perry have received a Theodore and Frances Geballe Research Workshop grant from the Stanford Humanities Center for a series of workshops on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness in the 2011-2012 academic year. The workshops will include topics in pain experience, the problem of color, and the promise and peril of enhanced consciousness and sensory implants.
CEC and CSLI Publications are hosting a 'Meet the Authors: Kepa Korta and John Perry' event together with a Birthday Celebration for John Perry.
Date: Tuesday, January 17th, 2012, 4-6 PM.
Place: The Barwise Room, Cordura 100, CSLI, Corner of Panama and Campus Drive, Stanford University.
All are welcome. Download the Flyer.
John Perry has been awarded a 2011 Ig Nobel Prize, for his groundbreaking work in Structured Procrastination. Congratulations, John!
Paul Skokowski has some comments on zombies in the "Existential Issue" of New Scientist, July 2011, article "Am I a Zombie?" by Michael Brooks (though Paul doesn't remember saying anything at all about free will...).
In Spring 2012 Paul Skokowski will be Visiting Professor in Philosophy at UC Berkeley. He will teach the course Philosophy of Science 128 at Berkeley.
In the Fall Quarter 2011, Paul Skokowski will be teaching a Stanford Continuing Studies Course, Scientific Revolutions, CSP Philosophy 89. The course will be taught on Tuesday Nights, 7-9:15 pm, for eight weeks from September - November.
News 2010-2011
In Winter and Spring Quarters, 2011, the CEC will host THE BRAIN AND MIND FORUM, a series of talks by philosophers, cognitive scientists, and neuroscientists.
John Perry will present the 2010-2011 Kraemer Lecture at the University of Arkansas on Thursday, April 28th. His talk is entitled "Wretched Subterfuge: A defense of the compatibility of freedom and natural causation"
In Summer 2011 Paul Skokowski will be Visiting Professor in Philosophy at UC Berkeley. He will teach the course Philosophy of Science 128 at Berkeley.
in Cordura Hall!
9:30: Breakfast-ish edibles and potables
10:00am: Opening Remarks
10:15: a talk by Anthony Everett
12:30ish: Lunch (provided)
1:30: a talk by Donovan Wishon
3:30: a talk by Stephen Neale
This Winter Quarter, Jan - March 2011, Paul Skokowski will be teaching Symbolic Systems 206, Seminar in Philosophy of Neuroscience.
Also in the Winter Quarter, Paul Skokowski will be teaching a Stanford Continuing Studies Course, Introduction to Philosophy of Science, CSP Philosophy 86. The course will be taught on Thursday Nights, 7-8:50 pm, for eight weeks from January - March 2011.